Lisle Powers of Attorney

There may come a time in your life when you are no longer able to make medical or financial decisions for yourself. It is important to plan for that time now rather than wait and force your family into an emergency situation in the future. By giving someone power of attorney over your medical and financial affairs, you and your family can obtain peace of mind.
Carol A. Nolan is a Naperville health care directive lawyer who enjoys helping individuals establish powers of attorney for their health care and financial affairs. To schedule your confidential consultation with Ms. Nolan, contact her law firm online.
Two Types of Powers of Attorney
The two types of powers of attorney are:
- Powers of attorney for health care: When you give someone power of attorney over your health care, you are giving them the authority to make health care decisions on your behalf. These types of decisions can involve medication, treatment, hospitalization, nursing home care, surgeries, doctor's visits, and other matters.
- Powers of attorney for property: When you give someone power of attorney over your property, you are giving them authority to make financial decisions on your behalf. The affairs this person might handle include your bank accounts, paying your bills, managing insurance plans, applying for government benefits, or engaging in a real estate transaction.
Choosing Your Agent for Powers of Attorney
It is very important that you name a person you trust to act as your agent. Attorney Nolan can help you explore your options regarding who to choose and talk through the decision with you. You can choose one person to serve as both health care and property power of attorney, or you can choose a different person for each type of power of attorney.
Ms. Nolan encourages you to talk to your family about who you have chosen. It is critical that you choose someone who can honor your wishes. If you have any questions about this process, Ms. Nolan is happy to offer her guidance.
Contact a Naperville Health Care Directive Attorney
At the law firm of Carol A. Nolan, Attorney at Law, clients receive one-on-one attention from an experienced lawyer to address their powers of attorney questions and concerns. To schedule your confidential consultation, please call Carol Nolan at 630-668-6600 or contact her online.
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